Forest of a Thousand Lanterns

by Julie C. Dao

Forest of a thousand lanterns

The story follows Xifeng, a complex and enigmatic protagonist who embarks on a journey from innocence to power. Dao's character development is exceptional, as we witness Xifeng's transformation from a seemingly ordinary girl into a formidable force willing to do whatever it takes to rise to the top.

One of the standout aspects of this book is the vivid world-building. Dao paints a rich and vibrant picture of the mystical Eastern-inspired realm, from the opulent palaces to the dense forests and mystical creatures. The attention to detail and cultural nuances in the world-building add depth and authenticity to the story, making it all the more immersive. There were moments where the pacing felt a bit uneven, but this did not significantly detract from my overall enjoyment of the book.

If you're a reader who enjoys exploring morally complex worlds and characters, I recommend giving this book a try. It's a unique addition to the fantasy genre.

Anna, 16


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