Posts in Category: retellings

Forest of a Thousand Lanterns

by Julie C. Dao

Forest of a thousand lanterns

The story follows Xifeng, a complex and enigmatic protagonist who embarks on a journey from innocence to power. Dao's character development is exceptional, as we witness Xifeng's transformation from a seemingly ordinary girl into a formidable force willing to do whatever it takes to rise to the top.

One of the standout aspects of this book is the vivid world-building. Dao paints a rich and vibrant picture of the mystical Eastern-inspired realm, from the opulent palaces to the dense forests and mystical creatures. The attention to detail and cultural nuances in the world-building add depth and authenticity to the story, making it all the more immersive. There were moments where the pacing felt a bit uneven, but this did not significantly detract from my overall enjoyment of the book.

If you're a reader who enjoys exploring morally complex worlds and characters, I recommend giving this book a try. It's a unique addition to the fantasy genre.

Anna, 16


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Daughter of Sparta

by Claire M Andrews

Daughter of Sparta

This book was about 2 sisters' perspective growing up in ancient Greece, facing the hardships of living as royalty. The older sister was supposed to be the next queen, but her parents decided her sister needed to be queen to save her reputation.

I loved it! The author spends paragraphs describing the scenery making sure we can picture the setting in our heads. What I didn't like was that the perspectives hopped around.

I would recommend this book to other teenagers and young adults because of the heavy themes it also includes advanced vocabulary and knowledge of Greek mythology.

Victoria, 17


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